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Instant Rajgira Dates Cereal

Instant Rajgira Dates Cereal


Your kid doesn’t like milk? Now find double the amount of calcium found in milk in our Instant Rajgira Dates cereal. This cereal is a travel friendly pack which can be prepared with just hot water or hot milk. Let your baby enjoy this calcium rich food with the sweetness of natural dates and make your travel comfortable and worry-free!

Availability: 952 in stock

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SKU: PRO-INSTANT-PK-1 Category: Tags: , , ,

Ingredients: Rajgira (Amaranth), Dates Powder, Rice , Makhana and cardamon


– Rajgira is a good source of Vitamin A, B, and C

– Amaranth has double the amount of calcium found in milk. Hence it improves bone strength in kids

– The fiber content in amaranth helps to ease the bowel movements in babies and toddlers and keep constipation at bay.

– Dates are a rich source of iron, which helps increase the haemoglobin count in your kid’s red blood cells, promoting healthy hair growth and enhancing skin nourishment

Shelf Life:

Best before 10 months from MFD. Best to store in an air tight container in cool dry place or in a refrigerator.

Weight200 g


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Instant Rajgira Dates Cereal

Availability: 952 in stock

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